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Chocolate Chip Cookies


This is the inspiration photo that we wanted our cookies to look like.

This is how they actually turned out.

Both of the photos look pretty similar with the biggest difference being that the cookies we made look malnourished compared to the other photos cookies.

Overall, they tasted alright, and they baked easily.

Next time I think I would probably try something to keep the dough together, because water had to be added due to the dough crumbling.

The blind, deaf, mute challenge.

Overall, it wasn't actually that difficult, but it was funny watching the blind people (sawyer) stumble around a little bit.

Sawyer, being the blind one in our group was able to wash dishes better than P4.

Mitchell being the mute one, was able to somewhat decently communicate to me with wild hand gestures.

I was the deaf one and I was perfect and didn't yell once (lie).

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