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Bread 2 Electric Boogaloo


Todays type of bread is focaccia.

I didn't get a picture of the focaccia when it was still a sticky mess, because I don't think anyone wants to see the sloppy mush before it forms into a dough.

This is the only decent picture of the dough. I think I must've almost dropped my phone or something because it's kind of blurry. Just pretend that it's dancing and the picture is better.

This is the design that was decided on by the group. It's the brand of sacrifice from the series Berserk, pretty cool if you ask me. This is before it got baked, I think this is probably where it looked best with the different spices and the design clearly on the bread.

This is the final photo of the focaccia. Not great I know. Definitely some improvement to be had with the pictures like removing everyone's feet from the bottom of the picture. Besides that the design on the bread fell apart because of the way that the bread rose, if we had taken into account the direction it would rise we could have kept the design more intact.

Overall I like how it turned out, the taste was good and it didn't look too bad.

Although I wish some of the pictures came out better than they did, and the design staying more intact would have been nice.

Below is the recipe so you can make your own focaccia.

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